What this Blog is All About - Our Life

We have started a blog. Why? To share our lives with the many family and friends who don't live near us. Seems over the years everyone has scattered. (Or rather, we have scattered) Shane's Family in Idaho and Ginger's Family in Wisconsin. There are also the wide range of friends, all over the country, we have made through TurningLeaf seminars. We thought this would be a nice place to keep the world informed of our lives. (Those who dare, anyway!)

Our Vacation

Shane writes:
Ginger and I took a few days to recharge the batteries and to visit with some awesome people. The first leg of our trip took us to Bear Lake in northern Utah for my family reunion. We got to Bear Lake Friday afternoon and met up with some cousins that I haven't seen in a very long time. It was great to re-connect with them. We had a Luau style dinner with pork, pineapple, numerous pasta salads, and sweet desserts. Unfortunately, just as we were starting dinner, mother nature was starting to brew up a very nasty windstorm. You know, the kind where branches fly off trees and bash you in the shoulder. The wind got so bad that many trees ended up falling over completely. This created havoc for the tent campers. It was a bummer that the weather ruined our plans for a fireside visit, but it all worked out as my Dad's brothers and sisters and in-laws all crowded into our tiny KOA cabin. It was a blast and we had a very nice visit.

Day two saw us wake up at 5:30 (yeah, AM. ON VACATION!!!) to get to the SLC airport to catch a flight to Milwaukee. We drove from Milwaukee to Elcho, WI where Ginger's family reunion takes place every year. This was my first trip to northern Wisconsin, and it is beautiful. I just don't understand why they don't grow corn there?!? (Sarcasm) For those who have never been in the upper mid west, it is very very green and very thick with trees. And corn fields as far as the eye can see. And flying over Minnesota, I noticed that when they say land of 10,000 lakes, they aren't kidding. It was a very pretty drive. We had a great time visiting with her family on Sunday and headed back to Milwaukee Monday morning. We were able to get in a good visit with her brother and her Dad and their significant others Monday night. I flew out Tuesday morning to return home to work. Ginger will have to fill you in on the rest of her trip.

If you will indulge me for a minute and let me get sappy, I would like to say that I am very thankful for second chances and for God's grace. This trip was a very stern reminder to me that things happen for a reason and as long as we believe, then our poor decisions don't need to result in unhappiness. Everything in my life has happened for a reason and I have had some major ups and downs, but I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the woman by my side was intended to be my life partner and I am extremely thankful for her and am humbled by her. Thank you Lord for blessing my life and Thank you Ginger for being my best friend.

Stuff... and Wedding Plans!!!

Ginger Writes "Over the last few blogs Shane and I have posted, several people have mentioned that they have been unable to leave comments on the site. If anyone is interested in leaving a comment they must have a google account, which is free. (there may be some other ways, but I am not sure of them) After you have a google account you can sign in and make comments. You can also follow our blog by clicking on the link in the middle of the right side of the page under "Followers".

Shane and I have been doing well. We have been really concentrating on paying down our debt. It has at times been frustrating as we think of our families far away and want to visit more often. However, in the long run we will be able to make those trips more often if we get our butts out of debt. I am personally about 6 months away from finishing some mutual debt I have with Chris (My Ex Husband) and then a few months out after that to have ALL my debt paid off. We have finally decided to wait on getting a new car to replace the NEON until it completely, 100%, dies. In the mean time we are saving for the down payment for when that time comes. I can't even imagine what it is going to feel like to have no debt at all. Although it won't last for long (Shane has a mortgage I will take on with him when we get married and then a car payment unless the NEON lasts forever or we save enough to just pay cash before it dies. Highly unlikely but definitely ideal.)

OH, Did I just say... When we get married??? Ok, it is pretty well known for many that Shane and I have been in the process of setting up a wedding date. Although it is not official (Because Shane is being responsible about the purchase and so the ring is not on my finger yet... I did get to pick it out though) We have set a date for September 25, 2011. We are planning to get married in Long Beach, CA and will be taking a cruise to different parts of Mexico immediately after. We have played with the idea of waiting to post a blog until it is "official" but we want EVERYONE that would like to come to have enough time to save so here I am writing about it. We will be getting more information out about this event within the month. I have been gathering addresses to send it out when we have it. SOOOOO, if anyone has not yet gotten us their address please email it to me or Shane, send a Facebook message or text. I have put a few posts up on Facebook asking for addresses. Thank you to everyone who has responded!

So, that is it for right now... I hope everyone is doing well. We love hearing from everyone and what is new in your lives, so send us a message!"

The Simple Things in Life -

Ginger Writes "About to start my work day but wanted to blog about a very simple act of kindness this morning that MADE my day!!! This story starts on Saturday when I spoiled myself by purchasing a CD (Regina Spektor – FAR). While I made my drive up to Cedar City late Saturday night I listened to the whole CD. In fact it was perfect timing that as I pulled into Shane’s Driveway that the last track (#13) was finishing. Well, this morning, I got into the Jeep to head back down to St. George and as most CD’s do in a car player, it continued to play. #14 started to play and I thought “ I thought this CD only had 13 tracks…” a bonus track was starting to play and I was thrilled!!! What was very very odd was the song “Somewhere over the rainbow / What a wonderful world” by IZ was playing. While I listened to the song I was remembering a few weeks back how I told Shane I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this song and that I loved IZ. I smiled as I listened to the song and it brought back memories of my trip to Hawaii with my Girls Laura and Anne in 2005. It was very aweseome. BUT then the song ended and another song by IZ came on! I thought to myself… how weird that Ragina would put IZ on her CD as bonus tracks. But then simply thought nothing more of it, other than that I hit the jackpot with this purchase considering I loved both of these artists. The CD then stopped and so I started it over again, thinking I was going to rehear the entire CD. What happened instead was another IZ song came on. I drove for a few minutes really, really confused. I started to realize this was not my Regina CD, but a different one. I pushed the eject button and out popped IZ – Facing Future Album. My eyes started to tear up as I realized Shane must have snuck the CD into the Jeep and coordinated it just right to start playinig on track #14, my favorite song by IZ. There is no way Shane could have know I had just purchased that other CD and that this other CD only had 13 tracks. I called him immediately and thanked him for the nice surprise. It is the little things in life that bring me great, immense joy. And also the weird coincidences like track #14 being my favorite song that make me appreciate this amazing life and the amazing people who are in it, especially Shane who has completely surprised me by showing me I deserve to be loved unconditionally."

"The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itslef....And Heights."

Shane writes (finally):
I took a step in overcoming one of my biggest fears over the weekend. I have been wanting to hike Angel’s Landing for quite some time, but have heard horror stories and have seen countless (ok, 2 to be exact) news stories about people slipping and falling over the edge. I have heard firsthand accounts from people who have gotten to the Scout Lookout and turned back for fear of heights. Then there are those individuals who have the balance of a cat and the courage of a lion who have made it to the top. Ginger is one of these people. I admire that.

Well, every adventure begins with the first step. So we set out to conquer the 5 mile round trip 1,500 foot incline. And what a beautiful hike it was. The Southern Utah breeze proved to be very welcome to keep our bodies cool as we made the trek. It was a sunny and the scenery was, as it always is in Zion, unspeakably picturesque. Zion is my favorite place to hike. I admit that my travels have been limited and I have yet to set foot in the Appalachians, the Alps, Yosemite, and on and on. But there is a reason why Zion attracts upwards of 3 million visitors a year from all around the world. It truly is Heaven on Earth.

The hike up was pretty tough as we worked to awaken our apathetic winter muscles and tried to keep our lungs from exploding. Once we defeated the switchbacks and got to the Scout overlook, I looked ahead and saw the first chain part of the hike. At first I thought to myself, “It doesn’t look as bad as I thought it would be.” Only .5 of a mile from the top of the cliff, I started to feel the excitement that I was going to make it to the top without a problem. Then came the act of actually climbing the rock face and holding onto the chains. We got about a tenth of a mile before my fear started taking grip. Now, here is where I would like to use the wind as an excuse for my vertigo setting in. It was a very strong breeze on an exposed rock face. However, when I saw a couple of 12 year olds making the climb, I realized that this excuse would not fly. I finally came to realize that I was going to have to admit defeat and accept that I was not going to totally overcome my fear of heights on this particular hike. So, we descended the rock and took a little apple break on the welcome flat surface of Scout Overlook.

There is a spot on the overlook that has a railing so you can walk right to the edge of the cliff and overlook without falling the deadly 1,000 feet. At this point my vertigo was so bad and my heart was racing so much that it took all I had to approach the railing. I stood for a couple of seconds and took in the unbelievable view and the ant-sized people and matchbox sized buses. Then it became a little overwhelming so I backed away and sat down on a nice level rock looking toward an uphill slope. You can’t fall uphill, right? But I kept looking back as Ginger was taking pictures over the railing and I got that queasy feeling in my gut. Then, I saw and elderly couple standing to the side of the railing and peaking over the edge. They were at a part that was totally exposed to the fall. As they approached the edge, the wife kind of stumbled and the husband grabbed her arm to help her keep her balance. I could just see them falling over the ledge. I had to turn away because now my fear was no longer for myself but for them.

Luckily, there were no falls that day. And I learned that I need to quit letting my imagination run wild and “create that scenario” as Ginger would say. I understand all of this. But I have also realized that fears are best confronted by taking baby steps. I look forward to working a little more on my fear of heights, but for now I am glad to have my feet on level ground.

Twisting of Truth is Still A LIE

Ginger Writes "I talked to an old friend this morning!! So awesome!! It's been almost Ten years. I LOVE hearing from old friends. I continue to be floored by the rumors that started when I moved to St. George and even more sad to hear who started them and continues to spread them. My only explanation for gossip is insecurity with self. Twisting of the Truth is still a lie!! I have been there, I have told my share of lies over this lifetime, and so I am choosing to understand instead of being angry. Life has gone on and I am thankful for those who decided to love and support me through a very dark period of my life and spoke to me directly to calm their imagination. I definitely learned who my true friends are and made some more in the process! “No accurate thinker will judge another person by that which the other person's enemies say about him.” Napolean Hill. It's true I feel hurt this morning, hence this post, but good comes from all things. I will ALWAYS believe that. Thank you dear friend for getting back in touch with me and being brave enough to ask me questions!"

The joy of the LARPS

My work day has come to an end. Lots going on in the last week or so. Anna (One of TurningLeaf’s office assistants) has been in Hawaii all week and although I always adore and appreciate her, I now adore and appreciate her even more. I have been working the front desk all week and have been reminded of the many tasks that come with it. Thank you Anna for all you do day in and day out! You deserved every second of that vacation!!!!! I pray you come back refreshed and renewed!

Shane and I are doing well. We see each other a few times per week. On Tuesday he asked me if he could come down and take me on a date after work Wednesday and of course I said “YES”!!! Unfortunately I found myself so tired when he got here I felt like just laying around doing nothing. Those 5:30 workouts have been catching up with me. The weather was too nice to sit inside so instead of hitting a movie or laying around on the couch we went and purchased a blanket from sears and laid in the Washington park for hours just talking. We found ourselves watching a group of people putting together a LARP game. For those of you who don’t know what LARP stands for it is simply.. Live Action Role Playing. This is where participants physically act out their characters’ actions while in costume. I immediately thought of the movie Role Model. (Although a little over the top for my taste, still a really funny movie) Shane and I found ourselves quite entertained by the situation. What we also found interesting was the other group of young men making fun of the LARP Gaming. They entered the park from the other end with their remote control car and immediately poked fun from a distance. We watched the dynamics of it and I was reminded of the middle school years of feeling awkward and trying to find my place. There was one boy who just kept laughing and pointing. He even took a picture with his cell phone. Shane and I kept watching from our cozy blanket under the trees while the two groups lived life through their own eyes of seeing the world. I found it reassuring that after about an hour the group of young men poking fun had now wondered over asking questions and even joined in. By the time we left them, we were all having a blast. I love that the simplest things in life bring entertainment into the world. I am now thinking I want to go to one of those renaissance fairs this summer. Life is GOOD!!!!!!

Fork in the Road

Ginger Writes "Shane and I spent Friday together... Hung out in St George, did some shopping and then came back to Cedar City to start organizing the garage for our upcoming yard sale. We went through a lot of my boxes and it stirred up a lot of memories. I am floored at how much emotion can be placed into objects. We put a lot of these objects into the "Yard Sale" pile and others threw away. I felt a little like those people on the show Hoarders when asked to part with something.... Pure Terror. As if I am about to lose something. It was emotionally draining and by the end of the night we were both ready to just collapse. The next day I was driving back down to St George and realized my mind was still on all the stuff in the "yard sale" pile. This is what started me back in on some thoughts that have been racing through my mind for weeks and then the remainder of this weekend. I have come to several of these moments in my life where a choice needs to be made. In the past I have been very Black and White about these choices. Very this way or that way! And I realized this weekend I am about to do the same thing again. Not with my stuff which triggered all these emotions.. But with the relationships in my life. I feel blessed that I recognized this before I made a "Black or White" decision because I love what my life has become. And instead of shifting it yet again just because I see myself in a fork in the road... I am going to add to my life instead. I know I am being very vague on what I mean by all this.. But the point isn't really what the situation is rather then the lesson I learned this weekend. Why shift away from a good thing when I can embrace many good things. There are times when I think "Here comes a fork in the road" where I have to make a choice. When really it is an opportunity for me to take both roads at the same time because all along they are running right next to each other. The trap I am going to start to be more aware of is how I justify in my mind the road I rather take by degrading the other road. It is not necessary and only blocks the truth of what is really there. I am grateful for this blog. To be able to send my thoughts out into the universe! Who knows if any of it makes sense to anyone else. But it makes sense to me, so that should count for something."

It's Sunday and I have Ants in my Pants

Ginger Writes "What to do today? So many options, its days like today that drive me a little batty. Shane is driving today so I am down in St. George, but I am tempted to head up to Cedar City to start sifting through the garage for our yard sale that we are trying to put together for May. I am amazed at how much I have purged out of my life but also amazed at how much is still sitting in boxes. Over the last four years I have purged tons of stuff with each move and have donated a lot to Good Will (Deseret Industries for the Utah crowd) When I first moved here I had an entire U-Haul full of stuff. I am certain it is cut in half by now. To save money (In our pursuit to be debt free) Shane and I decided to get rid of the storage unit I had most of my stuff in and use his garage instead. So now we are planning to do another “Purge” of items (Both his and mine) and put the money aside into a fund to use for new furniture someday. My black furniture that I have had for over 10 years is being used in the Nixon’s house and I have to say it has held up beautifully considering all the moves it has been through. 6 total. Every time I tell people how old it is they are amazed. So, when the time comes to sell it, I am sure it will raise a few dollars for our cause.

Andrea and I worked out this morning and did the Kempo X DVD. I have decided it’s one of my favorites now. It’s mostly boxing moves but I feel all sweaty and accomplished when we are done. I am very uncoordinated and have not yet gotten the moves down very smoothly. But hopefully over time I will start to do better at it. Tomorrow will be the start of the 3rd week. I haven’t lost much weight yet But my pants feel like they are fitting better. I am hoping the theory that muscle weighs more than fat is what is really going on. Hahaha. Time will tell. I am sure it is also not helping that I haven't shifted my diet much. One step at a time. Shane took some before pictures for me last week. I am thankful because I need some motivation. The fact that my back is almost back to normal has been the biggest motivation. If I don't lose one pound and have the new found flexibility that has come with this program.. I will still be happy.

Alright, so time to go take a shower and head up to Cedar. I will work on the garage, throw in some laundry , work on a new side business that my sis has me involved in (More to come on that) and then make Shane some dinner. (2nd time in two weeks, that’s a record of some sort.)"

P90X update and stuff

5 ish in the morning is starting to not be so bad. Like anything else it takes some getting use to. Day 12 of P90X and I am feeling pretty good. My back is doing much much better. (Thanks John) There is still a tightness that is there that has prevented me from fully doing the AB ripper X portion of the program but I have been modifying the moves to help relieve the strain. I am determined within the next few weeks I will get through all the moves on that particular portion. The part that has really hit me hard is the stretching of my legs. I am not to a place "yet" where I can keep my legs straight when I sit on the floor and reach for my toes. That really bothered me and has motivated me to do extra stretching every day with my legs. I can remember when I was a kid and all of that came so easy.. At the time I thought nothing of it and took for granted the flexibility of my body. I am determined to get back to that place but this time be grateful and aware how easy it is to lose it.

I have not fully modified my diet but am still going strong with staying caffeine free. I have slipped a few drinks of Shane's sodas here and there but for the most part this is the longest I have gone without it and I am pretty proud of it. I have been trying for well over 6 years to cut it out of my diet and have failed every time. Not fully sure what shifted this time but getting through the withdrawals and feeling the way I do now has made a big difference in not wanting to go back to it.

My dear friend Laura is coming in a week and a half from Wisconsin to visit.. I am pretty excited about it and keep getting gitty. We are going to head over to Zions and do some hiking around. I just love that place and its going to be fun to hang with her there. I have had family out this way recently but its going to be awesome to have a wisonsinite who I have been friends with for over 16 years out to visit.

Well, Till next time... Hope everyone is doing well.

A Weekend of Reflection

Ginger Writes “Shane and I had a blast this weekend. Lots of good meaningful talks and sharing with good friends. (We definitely wore ourselves out) Every day I spend with him I fall more in love with him. I have never been so grateful in my life to be given a second shot at love in this way. I have learned so much in the last four years and grateful for the time I have had alone to learn who I am and what it is I want and need out of life. I am in a solid place and somehow God has brought me together with someone who was seeking the same answers. It’s indescribable. It is no secret that my work helped me through these 4 years and will continue to help me through many more. It is a combination of God and TurningLeaf that has prepared me to Love myself unconditionally and in turn to have someone in my life who loves me just the same.

Reflection can be a rewarding process. I took this 3 day weekend since Shane had today off and I finally got the opportunity to spend more then one evening with him. I have also needed some time away from work to refresh and renew my spirit. There are AMAZING shifts going on at TurningLeaf, yet even good stress is still stress… right? I have wanted to shift into a new way of seeing it all. I was reminded of a few things over the weekend. I am surrounded by the most amazing people in the world, both in my personal life and my work life. Which, at times, spill over into each other. It is true I would not have it any other way. I have come to realize that I have everything I need in this moment in life. Not to say there is nothing left to work towards or to look forward to. But having this weekend to relax and ponder has helped me notice the small things in life and the small things about the people I work with that I truly adore. At work, I am surrounded by something I feel is rare. We all have our strengths and we have our weaknesses yet we all love each other dearly through hard times and good times. We each seek the good in each other and share a common goal of growing the company to help others… and to grow within ourselves at the same time. I laugh everyday and even sometimes cry. And through it all I am loved just the same. Over the years many of our clients have also become dear friends. I look forward to the smiling faces and the stories of growth that come as a result of the services we offer at the facility. It can be hard work but at the end of the day I sleep well knowing that I am apart of something bigger than myself surrounded by many who see life the same way I do.

Shane and I agreed when we first created this blog to limit our discussion on politics, religion and work. (NOT Sports as Shane will lead you to believe… so watch for more sports blogs from him) So I will limit my future blogs from this subject of my work. But we would both agree that it is defiantly the tools we have learned and will continue to learn that have kept us feeling strong and safe in our relationship. And for THAT I am eternally grateful I work there and will continue to work there for a long time to come. And I feel fulfilled and renewed for the new shifts moving our way.”


Shane Writes "Ginger and I had a very action-packed and fun weekend that left me with a migraine for the better part of the day Monday.

The weekend started with a cold but very fun camping trip in the Virgin River Gorge with some good friends. We took a little hike Saturday evening as the sun was going down and built a campfire and grilled some hot dogs. When we woke in the morning, the wind was blowing and the cold cut right through. We broke camp and went to Mesquite for a little lunch in a park, then said goodbye to our party. Then, off to St. George to get cleaned up and go to a very yummy dinner consisting of ribs, sweet potatoes, shrimp pasta salad and asparagus. The dinner was shared with a very awesome family whom we are grateful to be in the presence of.

Next, time to separate Kobe from his buddy Duke and head home. Needless to say, a warm and comfy bed was very welcoming. That is, until 3:00 in the morning when I awoke with the worst migraine I have had in about ten years. The rest of the morning was filled with very short micro-naps interrupted by intense burst of pain and nausea. I finally rolled out of bed at about 11:00 and came out to join Ginger. The couch was my destination for the next few hours. But, I was not eager to get off the couch as I was being spoiled. Ginger rubbed my headache away and got me lunch. Then, we just sat around and relaxed. And to top it off, she made me a very delicious dinner-Chicken Alfredo over angel hair pasta and Texas toast. This is the first opportunity I have had to sample Ginger's home cookin' and I must say-I am in LOVE!!! I sit here and type this with a full belly and a diminished migraine. Just don't tell her that. Maybe I can get another head rub out of this :~)

Bring it on!!!

Ginger writes "I am excited that Shane and I will be going camping this weekend and even more excited that my back will be fairly up for the trip. Shane has been working like a crazy man the last few weeks and this trip will be so good for us. First camping of the new year!! We will be staying at a camp ground in the Gorge, which is so amazingly beautiful. It is only about a 20 min drive from St George which is one of the many reasons I love this place so much! I am also excited to spend some time with Shane's good friends. I have heard lots of stories of good times, it will be nice to create some new memories with them all. We will post some pics for everyone's enjoyment.

My P90X adventures continue. I am doing it with my Best Friend and since she has to take her son to school and head into work by 745 (or maybe it's 7:15) We have been getting up really early to get our hour "plus" workouts in. I am indeed impressed by the program. It has kicked my butt so far, but well worth it! I know I will make it the full 90 days and excited to see the results. They suggest on the program to take some before and after pics, so I will see if Shane can help me with that this weekend. One week in shouldn't be to bad. Maybe if I feel brave enough I will post them after the 90 days. I am not sure I will have the same type of results as on TV because I am not following the nutrition guide but I am aware of what I am putting in my mouth and drinking lots and lots of water. I have noticed that some of the before and after pictures of the people on the website are after they do 2 to 5 rounds of this program. So, that was a little discouraging... BUT the fact that I am even exercising in the first place is pretty exciting for me.

Ok, off to bed. I shouldn't be up this late in the first place. Workout in 6 hours. At least I get to take a nap afterward. My BFF doesn't, so I refuse to complain."

Help me stay accountable

Ginger Writes "The weekend is quickly arriving; I thought I would take a few moments before I start my official work day to write out a few updates. My back is still giving me trouble. In fact it has felt like it is getting worse. BUT I was reassured today by Dr. Sorenson that this is normal. (I noticed I have been spelling his name wrong, he is not related to Shane and it is spelled “SON” at the end, Shane is “SEN”) So anyway, he gave me some exercises to start doing to help build up my back. And in a few weeks I should be feeling some great relief. I will be starting that right away.

Katy (My Niece) is coming up this weekend from Vegas, Shane and I are meeting them in Mesquite tonight and she is staying for the weekend. I am pretty excited!!! We are hoping to hit a few movies. Her passion for the movies seems to be similar to mine and for that I am very grateful. It will be a blast. I was planning to wait until Monday to start the Power 90 program (Still waiting on the bands in the mail) but I might see if she wants to start with me for the few days she is here. I am pretty motivated, even more today when I got on the scale this morning and hit my all time high weight of 185. I know it is all relative to each person, but for me this is unacceptable. The last time I hit 184 it through me into a workout kick and I lost 35lbs. So, I am determined this will be the same. It’s no wonder I am having back issues. My body is yelling at me for not taking care of myself.

So here is my question of the day. Why is it when we know what we need to do to feel better, we put it off. Why do we continue to maintain old habits we know slowly kills us everyday? I wish I had the answer to this question because there are so many things in my life that fall under this category. I finally feel like I am starting to recognize them and fight to shift them, unlike before when I knew, but justified all the reasons to ignore them. Like drinking Caffeine when its proven to be one of the worst things for PCOS. But yet even now with Caffeine, my mind is still fighting me. Everyday I am craving a Diet Coke, when my physical symptoms are now passed. Those types of things are psychological. It is amazing just how powerful our minds are. The last 4 years I have overcome a lot of emotional triggers in my life, and feel relieved to be more grounded emotionally. So now I am going to take on the physical stuff with the same motivation. The fun part now, is I have Shane to do this with me… The timing of him coming into my life can only be described as "God Sent". So, Bring it ON!!!!!!!!!!!

I will keep you all updated on the progress. Like I said in my first blog, sharing is what will keep me accountable so if you have read this far… thanks a million times over for your support!! If I have learned one thing in the last few years, it is to NOT keep your struggles to yourself. Your family and friends are waiting to help."

A blog from Shane - Month of March

Shane writes: "After receiving numerous inquiries as to why I have yet to contribute to this blog, I have decided to make my first entry. After mulling it over, I decided a good thing to blog about would be the month of March.

What's not to love about March? Old man winter is finally making his lethargic exit and God's creations are springing back to life. It is nice to wake in the morning and hear the cheerful song of birds as they migrate their way to northern climates. Who doesn't love to look outside to see the sun shining on the green mountains and red rock of Southern Utah? And what is not to love about college basketball in full swing? It's March Madness time and I am giddy with the prospect of winning the bracket challenge yet again. I am the reigning champ and have absolutely no intention of passing the crown this year, although Ginger or my parents will try to make you believe one of them will be able to dethrone the King of the Brackets. As I write this blog, I am firmly perched in front of the TV doing some last minute studies on particular teams of interest.

Oops...I realize now that I told Ginger I would not write about politics or sports in our blog. Sorry sweetie. I had to get that jab in there. Alright, time to shift focus on other reasons to be excited about March. When you reside in an area of immense beauty such as we do, it excites the mind and heart to think of the plenty of adventures that await us in our own backyard. Will Angel's Landing finally be conquered by a man with a great fear of heights? Ginger seems to think so. We shall see. March and April are among my favorite times to hike in Zion. It is not too hot but warm enough, and the tourists have yet to make their exodus to our heaven on earth.

I am excited to take Kobe to Navajo Lake and do some camping. I am relieved that there are not many feirce storms remaining in the season to interrupt a nice day at work. And I am antsy to get a little spring cleaning done in the house and the yard.

It is definitely a great time of year. Grass starts to turn green, flowers start to bloom, the smell of BBQ fills the air and children playing and laughing brings joy to the heart. And this nasty virus called cabin fever starts to get quelled. Finally, Spring is here!!! Stay tuned for what I hope to be frequent posts exhibiting our passion for life."

Answers for the Lower Back Pain

Ginger Writes "I finally have some answers for my back issues. Today I was having a really bad morning with back pain and was thankful I had an appointment scheduled to have some x-rays done. I took them to Dr. Sorensen (A dear friend of mine who is also my chiropractor) and he explained to me I have two compressed disks and arthritis in my back. He showed me on the x-rays and I was at least relieved to know it’s not all in my head. I wish I could remember word for word how he explained it all. I remember him saying the disks were at about 40% of the space that it should be at. I have to say, I am a little frustrated to hear I have arthritis. At 29? For Real? But the good news is this is all treatable. I am going to be seeing him 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks in addition to starting the power 90 program. I have been waiting to start until I knew exactly what was going on, but John (Dr. Sorensen) gave me the go and explained it was a great program to help me build my core muscles to support the shifts he will be making over the next 4 weeks. So…. Monday is the day I will be starting. No more putting it off. I am sure by then my bands will have arrived in the mail. Watch out Shane… I am about to catch up to ya… We are well on our way to active lives."

My Power 90 (P90X) thoughts

Ginger writes "Shane and I have been on this kick to get in shape. So far he is doing very well. Almost every day he is texting me that he is off to the gym. And me.. Not so well. I definitely have good intentions but I have not yet taken the plunge. I would like to say I have a good excuse, like my back still causing me all sorts of heart ache yet I know that its my lack of exercise which has caused my back to give me so much grief to begin with. On my trip back to Milwaukee I borrowed Josh and India's power 90 DVD's. So today after yet another trip to the Chiropractor and a decision to get some X-rays done.. I also decided to get on the P90X website and order up some equipment. (Bands and a heart monitor wrist watch) I am determined to start this program and work to be more healthy. I want to do lots of hiking this spring and this back issue has to go!!! So stay tuned, I plan to start as soon as my items arrive... And this blog is going to be my way to hold myself accountable. If I can quit Caffeine, this shouldn't be so hard... Right??"

Our Day In Court

Ginger Writes "Shane and I got an opportunity to spend some time together today but not in our usual way. :) I went to court on a case for work and Shane went along as my bouncer. (Ok, that might be a little exaggerated) This client I was going to court for made me a little nervous and it was possible that my testimony was going to put him away. But just in case they didn't, Shane offered to go with to protect me on the walk out of the court room. I have never been to court before for this type of thing, so it was an interesting experience. I was expecting the client to be coming in on his own free will. However, after a few minutes into the proceedings a bailiff brought him in wearing shackles and a jail jump suit. I could tell the prosecuting attorney was surprised and he turned around to ask me my name to see if I was his witness. Apparently the man was picked up over the weekend for felony drug charges and the attorney didn't know anything about it. To say the least, my testimony was no longer needed. Whew! I was relieved and we were able to leave with no worries. Not a normal way to spend time with your boyfriend but needless to say, I was very grateful for the time I was given."

On a Flight

I think it is the coolest thing that I can post a blog from up in the sky. Airtran has Wi-Fi and I won it for free both coming to Milwaukee and now heading back home. I have been working on this blog and have found it fun to play with the settings and to post the different things Shane and I have written to get the skeleton of it going. I am not sure how I like the links at the top to the other page. But I will keep playing with it and see.

My quick trip back was so awesome. I loved seeing everyone! And it was very cool to see the look on my Dad's face when he got to Josh's house today. The only downer to this trip is that my back has gone out. And i am not just talking a little. When i woke up from my nap Saturday morning (After taking the red eye in) I went upstairs to see India, Elijah and Emmie. I went to sit down and WHAM!!! PAIN GA LOUR! I was trying to play it off like no big deal but it has been a long time since I couldn't even sit down. i was so frustrated and was starting to panic that maybe I was going to be laid out in bed this whole trip. I went back down stairs to try and stretch it out. It helped a little but it wasn't until the Advil kicked in I felt relief. As the weekend went on the stiffness and pain slowly let up, but now I am conserned about this plane ride back. Sitting for this long is always a trigger.

Other than that.. I enjoyed the trip A LOT. I need to make more of them back. In about 14 months I should be in a much better financial situation to do that. I can't hardly wait.

The 1st Blog.. here it goes..

Ginger Writes "Well, here it goes... my first blog attempt. I am sitting at the Las Vegas airport awaiting my red eye to Milwaukee. I am heading home for my Dad's 60th Birthday. It is a surprise which means by the time anyone reads this it will have passed and I will most likely be back in the Milwaukee airport Sunday, posting another blog. Although it is going to be a short trip I am excited to get home to see my family. Josh (My Big Brother) is braving the early morning and will be picking me up. I am so excited to see everyone and give Elijah (Nephew) and Emmie (Niece) a great big hug and kiss. This trip was a very spontaneously planned. Shane and I originally planned to go to Duck Creek this weekend to go snowmobiling. But I am glad for the shift because I wouldn't want to miss out on being with my Dad on such a big birthday. My Dad is by far my #1 hero... always has been and always will be. He is the most kind, gentle soul I have in my life. I have learned a lot by his ability to lead by example and his ability to forgive. There have been many times in my life where I have made poor choices. It is my Dad who is always there to love me for who I am and knows we all have to learn from our own mistakes. It is also my Dad who is there to cheer me on when things are going well. His kind eyes and loving hugs are my favorite thing in the entire world. I look forward to them every time I make it home. And with that.. I am getting on my flight.