Shane writes:
Ginger and I took a few days to recharge the batteries and to visit with some awesome people. The first leg of our trip took us to Bear Lake in northern Utah for my family reunion. We got to Bear Lake Friday afternoon and met up with some cousins that I haven't seen in a very long time. It was great to re-connect with them. We had a Luau style dinner with pork, pineapple, numerous pasta salads, and sweet desserts. Unfortunately, just as we were starting dinner, mother nature was starting to brew up a very nasty windstorm. You know, the kind where branches fly off trees and bash you in the shoulder. The wind got so bad that many trees ended up falling over completely. This created havoc for the tent campers. It was a bummer that the weather ruined our plans for a fireside visit, but it all worked out as my Dad's brothers and sisters and in-laws all crowded into our tiny KOA cabin. It was a blast and we had a very nice visit.
Day two saw us wake up at 5:30 (yeah, AM. ON VACATION!!!) to get to the SLC airport to catch a flight to Milwaukee. We drove from Milwaukee to Elcho, WI where Ginger's family reunion takes place every year. This was my first trip to northern Wisconsin, and it is beautiful. I just don't understand why they don't grow corn there?!? (Sarcasm) For those who have never been in the upper mid west, it is very very green and very thick with trees. And corn fields as far as the eye can see. And flying over Minnesota, I noticed that when they say land of 10,000 lakes, they aren't kidding. It was a very pretty drive. We had a great time visiting with her family on Sunday and headed back to Milwaukee Monday morning. We were able to get in a good visit with her brother and her Dad and their significant others Monday night. I flew out Tuesday morning to return home to work. Ginger will have to fill you in on the rest of her trip.
If you will indulge me for a minute and let me get sappy, I would like to say that I am very thankful for second chances and for God's grace. This trip was a very stern reminder to me that things happen for a reason and as long as we believe, then our poor decisions don't need to result in unhappiness. Everything in my life has happened for a reason and I have had some major ups and downs, but I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the woman by my side was intended to be my life partner and I am extremely thankful for her and am humbled by her. Thank you Lord for blessing my life and Thank you Ginger for being my best friend.